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I have always been a reader.

There’s just something about grabbing a good book, escaping the humdrum of life and getting lost in the magic of someone else’s adventure!

However, since starting my business, I have gained a different kind of reading addiction. I am obsessed with reading books that will help my business, my mind and my success grow.

I thought I would take some time today, to let you in on some of my favourite books that will most certainly help you make huge moves within your business. I really want the Aoibh Johnson Copywriting community to be filled with confident, positive, successful biz-birds that are ready to take on anything life and business throws at them.

So let’s dive right in!

Awaken The Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Life-Anthony Robbins

I read this book just before I started my business, and I can safely say, it may be the sole reason for my success over the last couple of years. Tony Robbins is amazing! This book is a great place to start if you’re eager to uplevel your life and business and start creating the world you want to live in. 

I would highly recommend it!

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich – Tim Ferris

What I love about this book is that it gives you so much amazing advice to reduce the amount of hours you spend on silly tasks and things that drain your genius. Tim Ferris allows us an insight into how to better use our time and create a life more filled with joy and freedom. Don’t be fooled by the title either, this book is not just for those of us that want to leave our 9-5 lifestyles. It’s really more of a guide to use your time more wisely! 

The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life- Robin Sharma

Getting up at 5am sounds like a nightmare for some, but this book shows us just how much it can improve our mental clarity, our physical wellbeing and our success in business! Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. This book has literally changed millions of people’s lives for the better. Including mine! I now look forward to my 6am gym starts. I know. I’m just as shocked as you are. If you’re interested in finding some actionable ways to literally change your entire life/perspective/results, join the 5am club now!

Atomic Habits – James Clear  

Sometimes when we’re trying to change things, thinking ‘big’ can be way too overwhelming. Instead, James Clear asks us to ‘think small’. Changing tiny habits can have a monumental impact on your life, business and mental wellbeing. I loved this book because not only does it give such simple hacks to uplevel your life, James also tells personal stories to prove how this stuff actually works. A great one to start on!

There ya have it. 

Four books that I have to thank for the positive vibes I have surrounding my life and business today. Reading is honestly the best investment you can make when it comes to your health, business and mindset. 

A small monetary investment for a lifetime of skills, knowledge and success. 

Sounds good to me!

Until next time folks, 

Aoibh x 

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